Monday, February 8, 2010


I suppose you're sure wondering what my name is about?
Well you see in school we had to make up a radio jingle for laCrunch apples. Pretty cool I must tell you..ours kinda went like..

La crunch ..what?

La crunch ..what?

You eat La Crunch apples for your lunch

If you're feeling really sad or feeling really down, just eat la crunch.

Their the best apples in this whole damn town!

You have to be stupid or just really thick,
If you think our apples taste like elephant sick.

If you're wondering why we wrote this song its because we're really cool.

So eat La Crunch apples and dont be a fool!

Oh my gosh, lovely song. I dont think that you can say damn on the radio though can you?

Anyway, I added the fashion onto the end because fashion is my life forever.

Oh and music I am 100% dedicated to my beautiful beautiful music.
( I've been playing the button accordian for eight whole years now... so proud of myself :) )

Anyway specificly I started up this new blog because i kind of need something to rant on you know?

Anyway ... my first rant.

The god damn rececion ,
which basicly means less of the prada and more of the plada... if you get what I mean.
But we cant be selfish, there is alot more serious things going on in the recesion, not just less and less prade (however upsetting it may be.)
People are losing their homes right now, and their jobs. How is that fair? Just because some stupid selfish people decided to borrow money which they cannot pay back.
Absolutly desgraceful.

How did Ireland become so greedy and selfish?

I thought that we were known for our wit, hospitaliy and friendlyness.

Obviously since the big boom of the celtic tiger...not.

Do you know that my father is losing eleven grand a year just because he's a teacher?

Well let me tell you this. Those people strutting around the dául had to have an education somehow. If it wern't for teacher's well our whole society would run down!
Paid too much with easy-going surroundings?
Let them try taking the future of children into their own hand for a change huh?

It's and absolute and total travisty.

It acctually makes my blood boil just thinking of those half-witted TD's ... do thy know what they are doing for the future... nothing!

With the less pay going out , students aren't going to want to become teachers. So who teaches the children of the future.
Without teachers theire would be no doctors, TD's, Judges, Presidents or anyting like that.

Anyway that's my thoughts.

Let me know about yours.

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